Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy has convened cabinet meeting on April 29 to take stock of corona situation in the state.

With the corona positive cases and deaths witnessing a sharp increase in Andhra Pradesh for the past three weeks, Jagan convened cabinet meeting with the sole agenda of discussion on corona and the steps needed to contain the spread of coronavirus.

The state government had imposed night curfew from 10 pm to 5 am since April 25.

However, the night curfew failed to bring down corona cases in AP.

The cabinet will discuss on imposition of further curbs like partial lockdown during daytime etc from May 1.

The state is also facing severe shortage of oxygen, hospital beds, ventilators etc.

Patients are facing severe problems due to shortage of oxygen and lack of beds, ventilators in hospitals.

There is also severe shortage of corona vaccines as well as Remdesivir injections in AP.

Moreover, Jagan had recently announced free vaccination for all in AP.

The cabinet will discuss all these issues and take a final decision on the action plan to be implemented in AP from May 1 to check the spread of coronavirus.

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