As the days roll on in the Bigg Boss house, so do the twists, turns, and tensions. Day 16 of Bigg Boss Telugu 7 was no exception. With the Ulta Pulta (reverse game) in full swing, the housemates were eager to secure their immunity, but Bigg Boss had some surprising moves up his sleeve.

The Immunity Game Continues

In this season of Ulta Pulta, housemates are pitted against each other in tasks, with the winners gaining valuable immunity for several weeks. Sandeep kicked off the immunity streak by winning the Power Astra task, granting him five weeks of safety. Shivaji followed suit, securing four weeks of immunity after winning the Mayastra task.

Expecting a task that would offer three weeks of immunity, the housemates and viewers were in for a surprise. Bigg Boss took a different route by directly nominating three contenders for the next task: Amardeep, Prince, and Shobha.

A Shocking Twist

The announcement left the housemates disappointed, but Prashant’s reaction was particularly intense. Overwhelmed by his emotions, Prashant had a breakdown, shedding tears of frustration. Bigg Boss decided to delve deeper and called him into the confession room.

Prashant’s tears continued to flow as Bigg Boss asked him to name the least deserving among the three contenders. Prashant named Shobha as the weakest contender.

Housemates Speak Their Minds

Bigg Boss wasn’t finished there. He questioned other housemates who weren’t contenders in this task, as well as the previous task winners.

Priyanka surprised everyone by naming Amar as the least deserving contender, despite their close friendship. Shubhasree, with an ongoing feud with Shobha, unsurprisingly named her as the weakest. Teja expressed his reservations about Prince’s inability to socialize with others, urging Bigg Boss to reconsider his contender status.

Damini weighed in, citing Prince’s short temper and poor performance in mental tasks. Rathika, after previously rooting for Prince, now named him due to his hot-headed nature. Gowtham, too, believed that Shobha was the least deserving among the three.

Revealing the Private Confessions

Bigg Boss, true to his style, unveiled the private confessions of each housemate to the entire group. Prince, upon hearing the housemates’ opinions, seemed deeply hurt, and his behavior took a concerning turn.

Meanwhile, chaos ensued as Amar swiped Shivaji’s Mayastra, igniting a firestorm of arguments and tensions. Rathika and Prashant engaged in an irritatingly petty quarrel, testing the patience of both the housemates and the audience. Shivaji couldn’t contain his frustration, venting to Prince about the thieving tendencies within the house.

As Day 16 of Bigg Boss Telugu 5 came to a close, emotions were running high, and tensions were at their peak. With the immunity game heating up and personal conflicts intensifying, the Bigg Boss house remained a pressure cooker of drama and unpredictability.

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