Bigg boss has eliminated 5 contestants so far from the house and the stage is set to evict the 6th one from the house. As per reports, Noel, Monal, and Ariyana are the bottom three this week. As of now, all these three have a very marginal difference in votes and it will be very difficult to predict at this moment who will get saved and who will leave.

A huge number of nominations every week:

Unlike the previous seasons where a maximum of 5 or 6 members used to be there in the nominations, this season 7 – 9 members are there in the nominations every week this season. This week, – Abhijit, Akhil, Ariyana, Divi, Lasya, Monal, Harika, Kumar, and Noel are in the nominations. Abhijit, Lasya, and Akhil are leading this week too, as always. Harika’s graph also steady and she is not facing any danger as of now. Out of the remaining 5, Divi and Kumar are getting better votings than the others. It seems Kumar is still getting sympathy votes. This leaves Noel, Monal, and Ariyana at the bottom layer.

Noel started strong but suddenly became very passive:

Noel started the game very strongly and his presence was very much felt in the first three weeks. But ever since he went to jail, he is seen as very passive and dull. Moreover, it seems he faced some health issues but Bigg boss makers never revealed this to the audience clearly. Sometimes he was seen limping but the related footage was not aired. So he is looking dull in almost all the episodes. All this is impacting his voting pattern.

Ariyana is the underdog of this season:

Ariyana joined the house as a noob but quickly proved herself during the tasks. He straight forward talk and sincerity in robots task saved her from the eviction that week as Devi, a stronger contestant, got. lesser votes than her. This week also, she is getting a good number of votes but the top5 contestants are getting more votes and she is definitely in the danger zone.

Monal’s hypocrisy and double standards putting her in the danger zone:

Monal is one contestant who shocked the audience this season. She shocked the audience initially with her continuous weeping. Then her double standards puzzled the audience. When somebody points fingers at her behavior, she questions them and says,” this is a national channel and how can you tarnish my image”. But later she is seen hugging and flirting with Akhil forgetting the cameras. Netizens started questioning her double standards and this is reflecting in her voting pattern.

Overall, all the bottom 3 contestants have valid reasons to be there in that layer as of now. We need to wait and see who will leave this week.

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