In Bigg boss house, Uma, Nataraj, Kajal, Lobo, Annie, Priyanka, Priya were nominated for the elimination this week. Everyone thought Uma will be leaving the house this week because of arrogance and nagging behaviour. However, as per latest reports, Uma is safe. Details as follows.
Out of all the contestants nominated for elimination this week, Lobo is in the leading with huge number of votes. It seems audience got connected to him because of his entertainment. Next in the list is Priyanka and Priya. Both of them are doing good in the house and are in safe zone. RJ Kajal is at the middle level and she is gradually getting standard followers because of getting nominated consistently.

With this, bottom 3 contestants seem to be Uma, Annie master and Nataraj master. Even though it was initially thought Uma will leave, it seems she got good voting. It is believed that her image from Kartheeka Deepam serial, which is currently number one serial on Telugu television, helped her. Also, some others believe that, Bigg Boss makers are showing some bias towards those who already have relationship with MAA TV and indirectly helping them by telecasting their footage. Uma got good footage this week compared to Annie master and Nataraj master.

As of now, it looks like either Annie master or Nataraj master will be leaving the house this week and it is mostly Nataraj master.

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