Nani’s Gentleman USA Revised Schedule theatre List

As we get closer every day , we witness the buzz associated with SriDevi movies “Gentleman” getting more stronger.

Natural star Nani , known for tasting success by picking unique & fresh ideas has been again on spotlight with the teasers showcasing him with man of different shades. Nani’s new attempts in the past has reaped huge dividends & entire crew including director Mohankrishna Indraganti are confident about Gentleman

Melody Brahma Mani Sharma’s spell bounding score in the final 35 mins is expected to create a roar among the Audience.

All efforts have been taken to get this new wave entertainer loaded with fresh ideas the best release worldwide. Schedules are updated and efforts are on continuously to have explore new avenues to reach our Telugu & Indian community.

We hope you will make this Gentleman as part of your fun family outing & let us know your feedback

For any enquires reach out to Gaatri Media , Ravi Kiran : phone 331-330-3366 email Twitter: @gaatri_mediag

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