A section of audience who were in love with Ram Gopal Varma’s films in the past kept ignoring his films after the ace director delivered poor work for years. Even after his career reached rock bottom, Ram Gopal Varma continued to do films that are low rated and had no content. With the arrival of coronavirus, RGV completed a bunch of projects and kept releasing them for a digital platform through pay per view.

His next film Naked released last night and the response is utterly disappointing. The film had no plot and is based on cheap acts with weird camera angles. The film is made on a stringent budget and RGV’s team spent almost nothing on the film. Naked is slammed by netizens calling it a cheap erotic film. There is not much noise across the circles of media about the film after everyone knew that it would be a waste of time speaking about Naked.

Minutes after the release, RGV took his social media pages to promote about the number of audience who paid Rs 200 per view to watch this mindless movie. Only God knows about the real count apart from Ram Gopal Varma.

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