Critically acclaimed filmmaker Dev Katta is aiming a strong comeback after a brief hiatus. Post the debacle of Manchu Vishnu’s Dynamite, the talented director took a break only to come up with a solid lineup of projects up his sleeve.

It is already reported few weeks ago that Dev Katta will team up with Bollywood director Sanjay Dutt for the official Hindi remake of his hard hitting political drama Prasthanam. The film will start rolling this year.

Now, it is learnt that the Auto Nagar Surya director will team up with Baahubali producers for a big budget entertainer. The pre production work is in full swing and Dev Katta is fine tuning the script at present. More details are going to be announced very soon.

Apart from this Dev Katta is also expected to work on another interesting project to be bankrolled by Krish Jagarlamudi and Rajeev Reddy.

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