Producing concrete evidence on what exactly has happened in the Skill Development project, chairman of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and TDP MLA, Payyavula Kesav, on Tuesday said that this clearly indicates as to how the State Government since beginning has been resorting to mispropaganda and how untruths are being presented before the courts to mislead the judiciary.

Kesav told media persons at the party headquarters here that the forensic audit report, which both the State Government and the CID have been claiming since beginning as crucial evidence, is actually conducted by a private institution called the Sarath Associates. This institute and the IVS Associates are working for the State Government have been using the same computer.

This clear exposes that the Government deliberately and with some conspiracy asked its own organisation to conduct the audit in the Skill Development Corporation, Kesav said, adding that the IVS Associates works for organisations like Carmel Asia and other companies that belong to Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy.

The Sarat Associates used the same computer with which this organisation conducts its audits regularly for auditing the Skill Development project also and submitted its report to the Jagan Reddy Government, Payyavula stated.

The State Government initially asked the Sarat Associates to conduct physical verification at the training centres under the Skill Development Corporation but later when the RFC moved the proposal they said there is no need for physical verification, the PAC chairman said. This thoroughly exposes the malintention of the State Government, he remarked.

After going through a couple of papers in the audit report of the Sarat Associates and when they pointed out certain lapses, this Government immediately acted on it and started blaming TDP supremo and former chief minister, Chandrababu Naidu, leaving the officials concerned, Payyavula noted. This is nothing but taking revenge on Chandrababu, he added.

Clarifying on why the State Government asked the Sarath Associates not to go for physical verification, Payyavula Kesav said that he is now releasing the videos to confirm that in all the 42 training centres as per the proposals made by the Siemens, the necessary software, other equipment, even nuts and bolts are present.

These 30-hour-long video gives perfect clarification on what kind of equipment and software is available at these centres, Payyavula said and added that at the same time a 6-minute video also is being released now as it is difficult to go through such a lengthy video.

“All these videos are recorded under the supervision of the Government officers and no one can now deny that there is no equipment,” he added.

Maintaining that those who are managing all these 42 centers have given authorisation certificates that all the necessary equipment and infrastructure are available, Payyavula Kesav said and observed that these details are being uploaded on to the TDP website too.

Presenting before the media the 160 proposals of the Siemens on equipment and the software, Payyavula Kesav felt that when all the necessary infrastructure is available the State Government is trying to make people and the courts believe that nothing is now available. This clearly reflects the Government’s vindictive attitude, he stated.

An officer, Arja Srikanth, who worked under this Government, has certified that the DesignTech and the Siemens which are part of the Skill Development project are delivering excellent service. When such evidence is available now how can they claim that something went wrong, he asked.

The Jagan Government is viewing the same project that was praised by the Centre as a crime, Payyavula said. The Government is deliberately asked the Sarat Associates not to seriously conduct the audit, Payyavula Kesav said, adding that these videos thoroughly expose the blunders committed by the Sarat Associates.

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