Amaravathi new district on cards


Andhra Pradesh government is mulling over reorganizing districts which leads to increase in the number of districts. There are 13 districts in Andhra Pradesh. Many areas like Nandyala of Kurnool, Hindupur of Anantapuramu  have been demanding district status. Now, proposed Amaravathi capital will necessitate  reorganization of districts.

Sources in the government said capital region  is likely to be declared a new district with Amravathi as the capital.

“Now, Amaravathi falls in Guntur disrict. It is rare that capital is part of another district. All capitals are separate districts. For example Hyderabad is a district. So, Amaravathi needs to be carved out  into a separate district,” sources added. According sources,  the new district will have 10 municipalities, 59 mandals and two corporations.

But it will take time, said sources in the revenue department. ” Now there is no capital. What the capital area consists of is only a vast stretch of land mass. So, unless people live there, creation of district is not possible. We have to wait for the completion of seed capital development,” sources said.

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