Akhil Akkineni is getting ready for the biggest bet in his career with Agent, a stylish action thriller. Surendar Reddy is the director and the shoot resumed recently after a long break. The makers today announced that Agent will hit the screens on August 12th during the Independence Day weekend. Sakshi Vaidya is the leading lady and Malayalam star Mammootty will be seen in a crucial role. Sonu Sood plays the lead antagonist in this action entertainer and Akhil plays the role of a spy.
Agent is made on a budget of Rs 60 crores and Anil Sunkara’s AK Entertainments are the producers. Hiphop Tamizha is the music composer off Agent. Akhil gained a beast look for Agent and he spent close to six months to gain the physique.
Brace yourselves. This one is going to be WILD ! August 12th it is
@mammukka @DirSurender @AnilSunkara1 @hiphoptamizha @VamsiVakkantham@AKentsOfficial @S2C_Offl pic.twitter.com/VkOOvwYRlK
— Akhil Akkineni (@AkhilAkkineni8) March 11, 2022
Mnugude. KaniSam 20. Cr.