Kodandaram warns Andhra corporate capitalists


Accusing that K Chandrasekhar Rao government is under the influence of Andhra corporate forces, who were against the formation of new State, Telangana Joint Action Committee (TJAC) chairman Professor M Kodandaram threatened that he would go for another mass movement similar to Telangana statehood agitation.

The TJAC chairman, who has been organising agitations till now against the policies of the government, probably has now issued an direct ultimatum to the government for the first time.

Expressing severe displeasure over the functioning of the State government, he said that if the needs and legitimate rights of people of Telangana continue to be ignored, another agitation will emerge.

Speaking at a meeting of the the Telangana Vidyavanthula Vedika (Telangana Intellectuals’ Forum), he lamented that the government is allowing the dominance of Andhra capitalists and corporate forces over the new State in all sectors, directly or indirectly.

Demanding the government hereafter to allot all contracts only to “natives”, Prof Kodandaram deplored that despite formation of a separate State, Andhra capitalists and corporate forces still continue to dictate terms in Telangana. He pointed out that works of Mission Bhagiratha and Mission Kakatiya are being done by Andhra contractors, instead of people from Telangana.

Sharpening his attack on the TRS government, the TJAC chairamn reminded that education sector in the State is still ruled by the Andhra corporate forces. He wondered that why this government is not acting against Andhra corporates and their loot.

Expressing concern that Telangana people are not able to get jobs in industries in the State, Kodandaram asked the government why it was not able to fulfil their promise of creating lakhs of jobs to youth. He deplored ‘Our sacrifices forgotten.’

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