Manjima initially had apprehensions about acting in a Telugu film, but after having worked fifty percent in Gautam Menen’s bilingual , the lovely lady says she is now open to working in Telugu films provided the role offered to her is strong and makes an impact. Ask her what kind of person she is, the actor tells that she is someone who socialises a lot. “I talk a lot.. Naga Chaitanya would come and say hey Manjima what’s the new gossip with you. I an optimistic and if I want something I like to get it and go for it. I am a go getter but a simple people. Doing a bilingual is like doing two films, two different films, so I will wait till this film is done before I think of other projects. I don’t read books, I listen to music..the first thing I do when I wake up. When I am in a mood to exercise I will otherwise fool around. I am from Palakkad but stay in Trivendrum.”