Telugu Desam Party (TDP) politburo member and president of the Telugu Mahila, Vangalapudi Anitha, on Tuesday expressed anger at Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, as he is not taking any measures for the safety of women in the State.
Talking to media persons over Zoom, Anitha said that Jagan, who before coming to power, made several promises that he would stand by women but after assuming change as the Chief Minister of the State he is totally ignoring the women safety and is safeguarding the goondas and rowdy-sheeters. On an average at least 49 cases of atrocities against women are being reported daily and this clearly indicates the commitment of Jagan towards the safety of women, she noted.
The law and order in the State has totally collapsed due to which there is no security for women, Anitha observed. The inefficiency and inability of this psycho Chief Minister are driving women into complete insecurity, she felt and demanded that Jagan answer as to how 45,000 cases of atrocities against women have been reported in the State after he assured charge as the Chief Minister. In the past 20 days at least 17 such cases have been reported, she pointed out.
But till now the Chief Minister has not opened his mouth on these crimes being reported from almost all parts of the State,” Anitha observed. Stating that Anusha of Budvel mandal in Kadapa district died due to the negligence of the police, she asked how the police, much before the postmortem report is submitted, can claim that she had committed suicide.
Though several such incidents are taking place in the whole State why the Director General of Police (DGP) is maintaining silence, she asked. The president of the women’s wing of the TDP believes that Jagan does not respond to such incidents but only reacts on the sale of ganja and other narcotics. Andhra Pradesh stood on top position in the sale of narcotics, she noted.
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