Gaddalalakonda Ganesh has taken a very good opening in the Telugu States as the film has collected a distributor share of 5.50 Cr. The numbers are career-best for a varuntej starrer and also his first film to cross the 5cr mark on an opening day. The biggest achievement for the film is recording housefuls in C centres which isn’t regular for a Tier-2 hero. The film is carrying positive word of mouth among the audience especially in B, C centres which should help it to have a very good weekend.
Below are the area wise shares
Area | Pre-Business | First Week Collections | 4 Days Collections | 3 Days Collections | 2 Days Collections | Day 1 Collections |
Nizam | 7.20 | 6.15 Cr | 5.20 Cr | 4.51Cr | 3.04Cr | 1.63 Cr |
Ceeded | 3.30 | 2.80 Cr | 2.35 Cr | 2.05Cr | 1.40Cr | 0.82 Cr |
UA | 2.40 | 2.10 Cr | 1.86 Cr | 1.64Cr | 1.16Cr | 0.70 Cr |
Guntur | 1.80 | 1.50 Cr | 1.35 Cr | 1.23Cr | 0.94Cr | 0.71 Cr |
| 1.40 | 1.27 Cr | 1.09 Cr | 0.97Cr | 0.70Cr | 0.48 Cr |
West | 1.10 | 1.22 Cr | 1.06 Cr | 0.97Cr | 0.75Cr | 0.58 Cr |
Krishna | 1.40 | 1.28 Cr | 1.15 Cr | 1.07Cr | 0.69Cr | 0.42 Cr |
Nellore | 0.70 | 0.73 Cr | 0.62 Cr | 0.55Cr | 0.38Cr | 0.25 Cr |
AP/TS | 19.30 Cr | 17.05 Cr | 14.68 Cr | 12.99Cr | 9.06Cr | 5.59 Cr |
ROI | 1.30 Cr | 1.10 Cr | | 0.90Cr | | |
Overseas | 2.70 Cr | 1.50 Cr | | 1.30Cr | | |
Worldwide | 23.30 Cr | 19.65 Cr | | 15.19Cr | | |