Andhra University No. 2 in India


Andhra University (AU) has been ranked 2 among State Universities and eight amongst all universities in India by India Today Group-Nielsen Survey.

The 86 year-old Andhra University has also bagged the eighth spot amongst all universities in India including State, Central and Deemed Universities.

Founded in 1926, when Andhra was in Madras presidency, the university had Sir CR Reddy as its founder Vice-chancellor. Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan  succeeded him.

The India Today-Nielsen rankings methodology assigns 50% weightage to factual data, while the remaining 50% weightage is assigned to perceptual data.

Thus, even though AU was only second to Delhi University, the table-topper, in terms of factual data, it claimed the 8th spot due to a lower perceptual score. The strong performance in terms of factual data highlights the University’s quality in terms of faculty, academic inputs and research publications. However, plans are underway to improve AU’s perception.

Now, a project to “Reposition Andhra University (AU) among top 50 in the World” has been conceived and instituted by the Andhra Pradesh Economic Development Board, in partnership with the Higher Education Department.



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