Jagan sets one-month deadline for Brandix for wage-hike


YSRC president and opposition leader in Andhra Pradesh Assembly Jagamohan Reddy today expressed solidarity with the employees of Brandix Apparels, who have been agitating for a wage hike, in Visakhapatnam.

YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, who arrived in the port city this morning, issued an ultimatum to the company for a settlement with employees in a month or else he would join the employees to intensify the agitation.

‘We will give one month time for the government and the Company to come to terms and announce the wage hike. The demand for a hike in the wages is justified as the Company is making profits. what the company now paying is a pittance. If the wages are not increased to Rs 10,000 per month I will sit on a dharna along with the striking employees,’ he warned addressing the workers on Wednesday.

The opposition leader condemned the government’s adamant attitude and abuse of official machinery to unleash repressive measures on the employees.

“Police resorted to lathi-charge on the employees. About 500 including women had been arrested and kept in police stations throughout the day to terrorise the workers when Chief Minister was in town. This shows the attitude of the state towards the women employees,” Jagan said.

“It is unfortunate and unfair that the wage revision, which should have taken place five years after company came into existence ,has not been honored. The wages were kept low even as the company reaping profits. The working conditions are pathetic in the factor. I am told the supervisors knock at the washroom doors and not allow them to use it,” he said.

“The company has assured that it would provide employment to 60,000 workers for getting 1000 acre land but had taken in only 18,000 and payment is meager,” he said.

‘The Company is exporting the garments to the US and Europe. Those countries pay nine dollars (Rs 600 per hour which works out to Rs 4,800 per day but here the payment is paltry. The wage should be increased to Rs 10,000 per month,” he demanded.

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