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Telugu News Channels coverage on Beautician’s death displays lack of empathy


Privacy is dead and the news channels are holding the gun. Ever since the incident of SI Prabhakar Reddy’s suicide was linked to Beautician Sirisha’s death, the media houses had a field day reporting. Twists and turns in two deaths occupied maximum airtime on the local news channels.

The most disturbing part is that top Telugu media houses were interacting with the family of the deceased beautician right after the press conference of CP Mahender Reddy. They did not even blur out the Sirisha’s daughter’s face while trying to probe the husband. On the contrary with the video focus on the daughter the reporter said that she had been crying since yesterday. The child’s private trauma was broadcasted publicly. Such kin of media publicity will have a negative effect on all victims, but the impact it has on children is significantly high.

Sirisha’s mother was being probed about the extra marital affair of her daughter which is all the more sickening. The approach of media towards this mystery, depicts that news channels are no longer an institution of help when it comes to such cases. This reporting only shows a lack of empathy and a total lack of understanding. The Telugu news channels imperatively need of a crash-course on how to report such cases.

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