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Ex-minister Sridhar Babu caught on tape plotting against TRS leader


Srishar Babu

Congress Leader and former Minister Sridhar Babu was caught on tape plotting against TRS leader Kishan Reddy to trap the latter in Ganja Case. The incident which sounds like a typical movie plot, awkwardly put the Congress leader on spot as the phone conversation has exposed his plan.

Political differences between Muttaram TRS leader Kishan Reddy and Sridhar Babu had been brewing for a long time now. Consequently, the Congress leader was plotting against the TRS leader as the disparities snowballed.

A case has been filed against Sridhar Babu in Chikkadpally police station by Kishan Reddy who alleged that the congress leader was trying to entice him in the Ganja case.

Kishan Reddy submitted the audio tapes of the conversation between with the former Sarpanch Sudarshan and Sridhar Babu in this regard. The case has been booked under section20(b) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act.

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