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Arun Jaitley and ApSCS – A saga of forgotten promises !


Union finance minister of India Mr. Arun Jaitley in recent times has been vehemently opposing special category status nor a special financial package to Andhra Pradesh. His arrogant pressmeet in this regard has caused a stir in the state politics.

Heads of current BJP government , Narendra Modi, then Rajyasabha leaders Venkayya Naidu and Arun Jaitley used to be completely in favor of Andhra Pradesh , they promised moon when they were in opposition. The story took U turn once they captured power , tunes were changed after their NDA got solid support from the people of state of Andhra Pradesh.

Let us quickly recap the excerpts from Arun Jaitley own blog from Times Of India dated February 21st 2014 ; In an article titled : BJP and the division of Andhra Pradesh he wrote :

  •  How do you balance the interests of Seemandhra? How do you highlight the issue that the government has gone wrong in the process of creation of Telangana?
  • On the floor of the Rajya Sabha we were, therefore, able to extract from the government the commitment that Seemandhra would get a special category status for five years, investments in Seemandhra would attract tax incentives on the lines made available to other states, a backward region package would be given for districts of Rayalseema and north coastal Andhra Pradesh
  • If any further demand needs to be pursued such as a support from the Centre in building a new capital for Seemandhra, the BJP will play a positive role in facilitating this aspiration also.

In another article titled Telangana: How UPA blundered in the whole process (dated Feb 20th 2014 )  Arun Jaitley stated :

  • It must be ensured through a statutory protection that the special packages and incentives compensate the Seemandhra region for the loss of revenue being caused by the bifurcation of the original state of Andhra Pradesh

Now when BJP leaders have all powers on this earth to fulfill their own views, words  they reversed the rhetoric. Finally BJP had cheated Andhra Pradesh , Mr. Jaitley’s arrogant tone in yesterday’s pressmeet caused insult to the poeple of Andhra Pradesh. Rubbing salt to the wounds, he reportedly ridiculed Andhra’s leaders and people aspirations as ” Given a chance, these Andhra leaders may even demand to divert defence funds to their state ” .  Not only cheating Andhra pradesh but also ridiculing is an unwanted approach from the union government representatives.


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