Babu Bangaram 1st week Collections


Babu Bangaram has collected a Share of 17.22 Cr in its 1st week in Telugu States. Though the film has done good business over the long 4 day long weekend it has dropped from its 5th day. Even on Day4 (Independence day Holiday), evening & night shows weren’t up to the expected levels which has raised the doubts that it will go down from the next day and it has happened. The film got a little benefit by Rakshabandhan yesterday as Day7 Share (AP/TG Share : 72 lks) is on par with Day6 (AP/TG Share : 73 lks). As the films released today are getting bad reports it will have another two weeks run which might help it in getting an average verdict. Below are the area wise shares for 1st week.
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1st week All India share of the film stands at 19.40 Cr with a contribution of 1.95 Cr from Karnataka & 0.23 Cr from TamilNadu/North India .

The film is a flop overseas as USA Gross is at $451k from 100 Locations after 1st week. Distributor Share is expected to be around 1.7 Cr taking worldwide total to 22.10 Ce

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