Ram Pothineni and Boyapati Sreenu duo showed mass power with the theatrical trailer of Skanda which received an overwhelming response. Just three days prior to the film’s release, they unveiled the release trailer.
Although this trailer also doesn’t reveal much about the film’s story, it, however, makes much big impact, for many reasons. This has more drama and more action. It also gives more space to the second character of Ram who utters a powerful dialogue. The trailer also has some political dialogues.
While Sreeleela appeared as Ram’s love interest, Sai Manjrekar seems to have played a pivotal role. Srikanth and others are also shown in the trailer where we get to see Ram’s Mass Jathara in Boyapati’s style. Thaman’s terrific BMG, top-notch visuals, and striking production design are the other positives.
The excitement around Skanda has reached sky-high with the release trailer.
Looks like needs. Jandubham , Amrutanjan , tiger bham or. Sashtry bham.