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Jogaiah knocks at HC on Kapu reservations


Senior Kapu leader and former minister Chegondi Venkata Harirama Jogaiah on Monday filed a petition in the AP high court seeking direction to the state government on Kapu reservations.

The former minister had already written a letter to Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy a couple of weeks ago requesting him to extend the five percent reservations to the Kapus from the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS).

The Central government had extended 10 percent reservations for the EWS five years ago. The previous TDP government passed a bill in the State Assembly extending five per cent reservations to the Kapus. However, the order is not being implemented in the state.

As there was no reply from the chief minister to his letter, the former minister had filed a petition in the high court. Jogaiah had been raising voice for the Kapu reservations for the past couple of years.

Though former minister Mudragada Padmanabham had been fighting for the community, Jogaiah was not as aggressive as Mudragada. However, with elections just 14 months away from now, this former minister took up the cause of the community.

It is to be seen if the high court would take up Jagaiah’s petition or not is to be seen only on Tuesday when the registry lists the petition and refers to a bench.

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Pawan announced his stand officially: Janasena is Pro-Kapu reservations

Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan today announced his stand on Kapu reservations. He is currently touring West Godavari district and today he had a public meeting in Marteru. As usual, huge crowds attended his meeting today also. Amidst huge crowds, he spelled his stand on Kapu reservations and he announced that he is pro Kapu reservations and Janasena will try to ensure Kapu reservations are implemented without legal consequences by including it in 9th schedule of constitution.

However Pawan Kalyan took utmost care while speaking about Kapu reservations because his pro Kapu reservation stand may alienate other castes from him if he doesn’t deal with it properly and political opponents may try to lable him as Kapu leader. So, before talking about Kapu reservations, he spoke at length about women reservations in Legislative houses, about implementing Sachar committee recommendations on welfare of Muslims, about apprehensions of BCs on including Kapus in BCs, and about economically backward upper castes.

Pawan Kalyan told Janasena will strive for women reservations in legislative houses and the party will include this in their manifesto. He also told that Janasena will implement recommendations of Sachar committee. This committee has presented various suggestions on how to remove impediments those preventing Indian Muslims from fully participating in the social mainstream of Indian life. Pawan also announced that Janasena will form a corporation for the welfare of economically backward upper castes. Then he tried to allay apprehensions of BCs and told that Janasena party will further increase BC reservations as they are more populated than before. After speaking about all these, he spelled his stand of Kapu reservations. Meanwhile he alleged Chief Minister Chandra babu Naidu of dividing society based on caste. He also alleged Chandrababu is reason for the fights among Kapus and BCs, Valmikis and STs, Fishermen and STs.

Finally, Pawan told, Janasena will support Kapu reservations and his party will make sure no legal hurdles for implementing Kapu reservations by including the subject in 9th schedule of constitution.

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Kapu reservations: Political maneuvers and Social consequences


Kapu reservations

The Andhra Pradesh Cabinet has decided to give 5% percent reservations to Kapu’s. The cabinet took the decision based on Manjunath Commission report . AP decided to give reservations to Kapu, Telaga, Balija and Ontari communities under the new category BC-F category. By doing so, Chandra Babu Naidu kept the promise he made before 2014 polls. A Legislative bill will be introduced in Assembly and after passing there, it will be sent to the Centre. So far so good? But definitely this is not the end of the story and there is more than that meets the eye.

Constitutional consequences: Out of 100%, BCs currently have 25% , SCs 15%, ST 7.5%, making it to a total of 47.5% and some other miscellaneous quotas for another 2 % – which makes a total of 49.5%. There was a Supreme Court verdict (1992 Indra Sawhney Case ) in which it gave a directive that the reservation can’t be beyond 50% because we have to save the soul of our constitution that “Right of Equality” as per Article 15 and 16 in constitution. But there are states like Tamil Nadu (69%) , Jharkhand ( 60%) , and Maharastra ( 52 % ) that have covered reservations to more than 50% population. How could these states do that?? There is (f)law in the constitution that says, if something is mentioned in the 9th Schedule of the constitution, it is immune from judicial Review and any other court battle. 9th Schedule was first introduced to implement land reforms without any hassles. So these states could implement more than 50% reservations by including them in 9th schedule. So, Kapu reservations also should go through same route. But to add something in 9th schedule of constitution needs constitutional amendment as per article 268 and the bill has to be passed in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha with 2/3 majority in (not simple majority of 50%) each house, which is herculean task and unless all major national parties support it, the bill cant be passed. Also, if such amendment is initiated, all other reservation demands in other states also will surface bringing more headache to ruling parties of those states and NDA.

Political Consequences: Being a shrewd politician, CBN definitely knows how to play the cards in right time. With just one and half a year left before elections, CBN’s cabinet gave nod for this Kapu reservations. Now the government will take some time to pass the bill in Assembly sessions. Now the first jolt is to Mudragada who is planning to revive the Kapu reservation demand through another stir. As Mudraga is supporting Jagan backdoor, Naidu doesn’t want him to become another mass leader. Now Mudragada HAS to support what CBN has done. Second jolt is to state and center BJP leadership who has plans to strengthen in AP. Now CBN has thrown ball into BJP’s court and they have to take decision on this and that is not an easy task for them as they have some constitutional consequences. Third jolt is to Jagan, who has been praising Modi government of late. Now, if BJP wants to break alliance with TDP and ally with YSRCP, this bill will come as big hindrance as YSRCP will have to share the wrath that is directed at BJP. So, with one step, CBN has put check 3 opponents.

Social consequences: There is a strange situation in Telugu states. Ironically, it is BCs and BC leaders opposing the Kapu reservation. Out of 100% jobs, BCs already have their share of 25%. Without disturbing that, if Kapu reservation is given a separate category, why should they agitate? In fact, it is OCs that should have agitated. Because, if more than 50% is taken, the “generally available” seats will be decreased. But ironically, BCs are agitating against Kapu reservations. Classic example of doing another kind of “mutually exclusive” politics.

The issue is beyond Kapus: There have been more and more demands from dominant castes across the country. Interestingly all these castes are agricultural castes. Be it Jats in Haryana, Patidars (Patel reservation) in Gujarath, Gujjars in Rajasthan or Kapus in AP. And the reason attributed to this is the sharp decline in the agricultural productivity across the country in recent decades. Another reason is increased consciousness of caste vote bank politics and the awareness of the dominance of their caste in demographic statics. Moreover, all these castes demanding reservation have been politically dominated by other castes in those respective states. Another similar pattern observed with all these castes is – all these agitations brought social tensions with other castes and thereby changing entire political equations in those states.

Way forward: While caste-less society and classless society still distant Utopian dreams in Indian political scenario, at least achieving social justice to all the sections through various means should be generally accepted. But while achieving that, utmost care should be taken to avoid fragmentation of the society.

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