Tamil actor Siva Karthikeyan is all set for Tollywood debut and Jathi Ratnalu fame Anudeep KV will direct this film. The shoot commenced recently and the makers roped in a Ukrainian actress for the project. Maria Ryaboshapka will play the female lead and the major portion of the shoot will be completed in Tamil Nadu. She played Natasha in Special Ops 1.5:: The Himmat Story. The untitled film is hitting the screens next year. Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP, Suresh Productions and Shanthi Talkies are the producers. More details about the project are awaited.
A Beautiful Angel👼has just Landed to Mesmerise✨
Team #SK20 Welcomes Actress #MariaRyaboshapka On Board as Female Lead 🎬@Siva_Kartikeyan @anudeepfilm @MusicThaman @sureshProdns @SVCLLP @ShanthiTalkies #NarayanDasNarang@SBDaggubati @puskurrammohan @iamarunviswa pic.twitter.com/75cKykYk1Z
— Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP (@SVCLLP) March 21, 2022