Ram Charan and Vikram Reddy’s V Mega Pictures in association with Abhishek Agarwal Arts announced their debut movie. On the occasion of Veer Sarvakar’s 140th birth anniversary, a power-packed video was released on social media accounts of Ram Charan, V Mega Pictures and Abhishek Agarwal Arts. The film features Nikhil Siddhartha as Shiva and Anupam Kher as Shyamji Krishna Varma.
The film is going to be the epic journey of Veer Savarkar, titled ‘THE INDIA HOUSE’. The film presents the forgotten heroic history of one nation. The India House is set in the pre-independence era (1905) in London. The teaser leaves the dramatic image of the burning India House. The film is going to be released in all major Indian languages and more details are awaited.