Producer’s Concerns: Re-Releases Impact on Small Films


The resurgence of re-released films in Tollywood has become a double-edged sword, with significant gains for major producers but substantial losses for smaller ones. While re-releasing old movies of star heroes is attracting fans and impressive collections, it’s overshadowing small film releases.

Producer Appireddy highlighted this issue during the ‘Mr. Pregnant’ movie success event. He acknowledged the appeal of re-releases but stressed that scheduling conflicts are hurting small films. Appireddy suggested a solution: re-releases should target Mondays and Tuesdays, avoiding the crowded Friday release slot for new films. Appireddy’s concerns stem from the struggle small films face in securing prime weekend slots. With re-releases dominating these periods, small films are forced into competition with major releases, hampering their success.

The producer’s proposal has gained attention, as he plans to discuss it with the producer council. The aim is to strike a balance that caters to both re-releases and small productions. In essence, while re-releases capitalize on audience nostalgia, the industry grapples with accommodating the interests of both re-released films and emerging filmmakers. We need to wait and see whether producer council takes some decisive steps on this.

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