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Telugu chief ministers begin their meet in Hyderabad


The two Telugu chief ministers have started a joint meeting in Hyderabad on Saturday. Andhra Pradesh chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu along with some ministers and senior officials reached Praja Bhavan. Telangana chief minister A Revanth Reddy received Chandrababu Naidu at the Praja Bhavan.

Andhra Pradesh ministers, Anagani Satyaprasad, B C Janardhana Reddy and Kandula Durgesh, chief secretary Neerab Kumar Prasad, and other officials were present representing Andhra Pradesh. Deputy chief minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, Minister Ponnam Prabhakar, chief secretary Santha Kumari, and others were present representing Telangana state.

The two chief ministers are scheduled to discuss the distribution of institutions and assets listed in the Schedule IX and X of the AP Reorganisation Act 2014, and the institutions which are not mentioned in the Reorganisation Act. The Andhra Pradesh Financial Corporation issues pending electricity bills between the two states. The Telangana state says that Andhra Pradesh has to pay Rs 27,000 crore to Telangana, while Andhra Pradesh says Rs 7,000 crore is to be paid to Andhra Pradesh. These issues are to be resolved.

The undivided Andhra Pradesh had taken up 15 projects from the foreign loan. The two chief ministers are likely to discuss these loans and distribute that in a 52:48 ratio. The expenditure that the undivided state had made on projects and works in both the states and distribution of that funding between the two Telugu states is also to be decided at this meeting.

The distribution of government employees between the two states is also to be decided at this meeting. The two chief ministers have come with detailed notes for the meeting. Supported by the chief secretaries and other senior officials, the chief ministers are discussing these issues at the meeting.

The meeting is also likely to decide on giving three buildings in Hyderabad to Andhra Pradesh. The Andhra Pradesh government had given all the buildings to Telangana state during Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy’s period. Jagan Mohan Reddy had given all the buildings except the Lake View Guest House to the Telangana state. It is now to be decided to give three buildings to Andhra Pradesh, which Chandrababu Naidu wanted.

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Opinion : CBN taking up “Hindutva” agenda is another mistake like pro-Telangana stand?


Recently TDP supremo Chandra Babu Naidu has taken the stand of Hindutva and he vehemently criticised AP government for its alleged failure in protecting Hindu temples. Not stopping at that, he also made some serious comments against proselytisation and spreading of Christianity in the state. But there’s a debate going on whether CBN taking up “Hindutva” agenda is another big mistake similar to the mistake he committed during Telangana movement by taking pro-Telangana stand.

There will always be ONE champion for an issue :

Traditional political parties always try to cash on the mistakes committed by the ruling party. Their main goal is to turn any anti incumbency on the ruling party in their favour. But unlike such regular political parties, the parties that build their prospects on specific issues or movements operate differently. Their main goal is always to convince people that they are the sole champions of the given cause. Their fight is to ensure other parties also appreciate their cause and at the same time agrees their party is the sole champion of the cause. In 1920s, this is what Justice party in Tamilnadu did against Madras presidency association party, which is also fighting for same cause of anti-Brahmanism. In independent India, many political parties, including TRS , portrayed themselves as the sole champion of the cause they are fighting. The same way , BJP has always demonstrated that it is the champion of the cause of Hindutva among all the political parties.

Taking up the cause, for which someone else is already the champion, is suicidal:

Taking up the cause, for which someone else is champion already is always suicidal for any political party. Some leaders like late YSR knew this very well. Sanjay Baru, political advisor to former prime minister Manmohan Singh, wrote in his book about one incident of YSR convincing the then PM on exactly same concept. “It is true. I can also tell you what Rajasekhara Reddy’s view was. I was present when he came to meet the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. He said, if we go to polls announcing Telangana, we will neither win in Coastal Andhra nor in Telangana. How true was he proved. Reddy had said, in Coastal Andhra, people will be angry with us so they will not vote. In Telangana, they will give credit to TRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao and they will not vote for Congress “ wrote Sanjay Baru in his book referring late YSR’s meeting with Manmohan Singh before 2009 elections.

CBN repeating same mistake now:

CBN on the other hand took the stand of pro Telangana and despite that , his party has no presence in Telangana now. Now, CBN has surprisingly has taken Hindutva stand and made serious comments against Christianity spreading in the state. It has seriously boomeranged as social media is now full of videos of “Then & Now “ videos of CBN in which his past speeches in churches and his current comments against Christianity are shown parallel. Needless to say, such videos showing the leader taking different stands on same topic will seriously damage the reputation of the leader.

Secondly, he is not going to get any additional advantage because of the Hindutva stand as BJP will be benefited if the emotions flare up, the same way TRS benefited during Telangana movement. As strengthening of Telangana emotion helped TRS become a major political party rather than ally to others, strengthening of Hindutva agenda in the state will help BJP the same way.

Thirdly, most of the TDP Christian leaders at district level are now leaving the party citing his recent comments on Christianity. Apparently, the statements made by the leader of the opposition, who is also the leader of a party that never tainted its secular credentials in the past (despite allying with bjp), appalled the leaders belonging to that religion.

So, by taking up Hindutva agenda, CBN is not only damaging his own reputation as he is contradicting his own statements in the past, but he’s also losing the base among the voters belonging to the religion. And all this is for what? For the other party who claims championship of the cause of Hindutva to get benefited finally.


Overall, it looks like CBN, who is once considered Chanakya in contemporary politics, has lost his political acumen now. Some of the political analysts are seeing this move of CBN, as his desperate attempt to patch up with BJP. If that is the case, it would be really a pitiable condition.

We need to wait and see whether CBN will realise this mistake before it costs him and his party or not.

– ZURAN (@CriticZuran)

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Jagan writes to EC, says “Shoot CM” remark blown out of proportion


YSR Congress President Jagan Mohan Reddy responding to Election Commission penned that the context is an important factor while making the “Shoot CM” remark.

Election Commission which took suo motu cognizance of the comments made at a public meeting in Nandyal issued show-cause notice to the opposition leader last week seeking his explanation.

Political secretary of Jagan S RamaKrishna Reddy informed DC that the reply has been sent to EC which explained that the remarks were blown out of proportion and that it was not the actual intention of Jagan. He said that the words came out of anger as the Chief Minister failed to fulfill the promises made during elections.

In his explanation to EC as to why action should not be initiated, the leader reportedly wrote that any emotionally drained person after constantly being cheated with false promises would logically make such remarks. They reportedly said that the comments will not impact the out-come of the poll and has certainly caused a dent to the leader’s image.

Not only the ruling party but also Congress is trying to make most of the ill-fated comments.

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TDP to do YSRC in Telangana


Strange are the ways of the politicians in Telugu states. Once Telanana’s arch rival YSRC president Jagan is now a friend of KCR family. TDP once an ally of TRS, is its enemy number 1. Once believed to merge, TRS and Congress are now competing to liquidate each other in politics. Another strange twist is happening in Telangana now . The TDP, is going to hit the road in the new state like Jagan, who is on unending yatra in Andhra Pradesh against farmers’ suicides. In Andhra the YSRC president alleges the suicides in the state have been the result of incomplete loan waiver as the loan installments have only added up to woes of the farmers forcing them to take extreme step of ending their life.

In Telangana, the TDP has taken up same cause and with the same logic. The party is demanding an one-time settlement of debt under loan waiver scheme. The party has set a deadline to TRS government to announce one-time settlement by October 9 or face state wide bandh on October 10. Only difference is in Andhra Pradesh Jagan, true to his dominant nature, is fighting alone, in Telangana the TDP is making common cause with Congress, CPI, CPM, BJP and many other left parties.

The Telangana Telugu Desam Party announced that it was planning a bus yatra in protest against the “anti farmer” policies of Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao’s TRS government. The bus yatras will be organized in association with BJP, it ally. T-TDP president L Ramana and Polit Bureau member R Chandrasekhar Reddy launched their bus yatra today. They expressed concern that the agriculture sector is in crisis and the entire Opposition had been mounting pressure on the government to stop the chain of suicides in the State. They also demanded remunerative prices to farmers. They demanded that the government implement one- time waiver of loans for farmers as assured and moratorium on the loans obtained from the private money lenders to provide relief to farmers which were dire financial stress which was forcing them to commit suicide. on Tuesday, both TDP and BJP started protest fast on the same issue in Gajwel, the constituency of chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao.

“Suspending the entire opposition from Assembly is undemocratic step and shows the dictatorial attitude of chief minister KCR. The manner in which Chandrasekhar Rao is harping on Krishna pushkarams due only next year exposes how serious the government is tackling the crisis faced by farmers,” Ramana said.

They said about 1,535 farmers committed suicide in different parts of the State during the 15-month TRS government rule.

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Centre disappoints AP, okays Spl Assistance Rs 1K cr


No special status, no special package, the state of Andhra Pradesh has to make do with centre’s special assistance of Rs 1000 crore only, which pales into insignificance before Bihar’s Rs 2.25 lakh crore special package.

Fianally, after two days of hectic parleys with Chandrababau Naidu, union government announced a most disappointing package of Rs 1000 cr. The announcement is not made by any central minister nor any NITI Ayog official from union government. But, Press Information Bureau issued a small press note on such important an issue. Though YS Chowdary, union minister of state for science and Technology announced, he was not competent to make official statement. Interestingly, all the issues, which have been raised by the chief minister and opposition parties have been covered in the micro-package called special assistance. The demands covered are: Special assistance to seven districts of Rayalaseema and North Coastal Andhra, Capital construction, and Polavaram project.

The centre said this is in addition to the what was released in the union budget 2014-2015.
In fact, while Naidu was in confabulations with union ministers in past two days, YS Chowdary had been announcing that a special package would be announced by evening. He told the waiting media that a huge package was being finalized. He also said the NITI Aayog met ten times on the Andhra Pradesh Package. Finally, what came out from the centre was pittance. There is not even assurance of further assistance in future. Chowdary periodically sought to raise expectations by telling people that special status was being finalized. Later he changed the tune to special package in lieu of Special status and issued statement that package, bigger than special status, was being finalized. That none of his utterances has been proved correct in the past 15 months shows his standing in and penetration into the union government.

This package has come at a time when Opposition leader Jaganmohan Reddy is getting ready to launch his indefinite fast from tomorrow from Guntur. We have to wait for Jagan’s reaction on this tiny special assistance.

Details of the package

The Central Government yesterday decided to continue to support the programs for the development of backward districts of Andhra Pradesh and provide assistance for creation of New Capital of Andhra Pradesh including the Raj Bhawan, High Court, Government Secretariat, Legislative Assembly, Legislative Council, and such other essential infrastructure. “Accordingly, the Central Government has announced a further ‘Special Assistance’ of Rs. 1000 crore during the current Financial Year 2015-16. The Central Government will provide special assistance of Rs.350 crore (@Rs. 50 crore per district) for the development of 7 backward districts covering Rayalaseema & North Coastal region, Rs. 350 crore for new capital of the state and Rs. 300 crore for Polavaram Irrigation Project. A tax incentive has also been provided in Finance Act, 2015,” the PIB note said.

The Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014 bifurcated the State and the State of Telengana came into being with effective from 2nd June, 2014. Having regard to the resource availability, the Central Government is required to make appropriate grants and also provide adequate benefits and incentives in the form of special assistance to the backward areas of States.

Accordingly, PIB note said, an amount of Rs. 4403 crore was released to the successor State of Andhra Pradesh during 2014-2015 which included Rs. 350 crore @ Rs. 50 crore per district for the development of 7 backward districts covering Rayalaseema & North Coastal region, Rs. 2303 core for bridging resource gap, Rs. 1500 crore for construction of Raj Bhavan & for creating infrastructure facilities in the new capital of the State and Rs. 250 crore for Polavaram irrigation project.
The note was silent on whether Rs 350 allocated to Backward districts was a new commitment or mere reiteration of the commitment made in the budget.

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