Bigg Boss 7 Telugu: Intense Drama Unfolds in the “Finale Asthra” Task


In the latest episode of Bigg Boss Season 7, emotions ran high as the intense physical task took center stage, putting Priyanka in a challenging situation. While the show emphasizes gender equality, the audience couldn’t help but express concern about the nature of the tasks and the potential harm they pose.

The physical task involved Amardeep engaging in a physically demanding task against Priyanka, sparking controversy and raising questions about the appropriateness of such challenges. The viewers expressed their dismay at the disgusting behavior of Amar. Priyanka, despite facing the physical toll on her body during the task with Amar, showcased immense strength and determination, refusing to back down. The audience applauded her resilience in the face of adversity, even though the nature of the task raised eyebrows.

Amardeep, focused on winning the game, may not have intended to physically harm Priyanka, but the situation left a negative impression on the viewers. Despite the intense competition, Priyanka handled the situation gracefully, diffusing the tension with her composed response to Amardeep’s actions. The camaraderie between Amardeep and Priyanka takes an unexpected turn as differences emerge during the finale task. Priyanka, who stood last in the recent task, finds herself in a precarious position in the “Finale Astra” race.

Priyanka Giving her points to Gowtham shocked Amar:

As the game progresses, Amardeep’s position in the points table sees a significant boost. With the disqualification of Shivaji and Shobha, their points are transferred to Amardeep earlier, catapulting him to the top spot. The dynamics within the house continue to shift, setting the stage for an unpredictable finale. In a surprising twist, Priyanka decides to give her points to Gautam Krishna, not Amardeep, indicating a shift in alliances. This move marks a departure from the unity seen among Amardeep, Priyanka, and Shobha of the Star MAA batch, introducing new dynamics to the game. Shobha sarcastically poked Priyanka when she was low.

The “Finale Astra” points tally becomes a crucial factor in determining the first finalist. Amardeep, Arjun, Gautam, Prashant, and Yavar vie for the top spot, making the competition more intense than ever. The live updates reveal a tight race with Amar Deep leading the pack.

With twists and turns in the “Finale Astra” task, the game becomes a thrilling number game, leaving the audience eagerly anticipating the outcome. The unpredictability and excitement in the house continue to keep viewers on the edge of their seats, making Bigg Boss Season 7 Telugu a rollercoaster of emotions and twists.

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