Love Me Movie Review – Watch me If you dare !


Love Me Movie Review

Love Me Movie Review

Telugu360 Rating: 1.5/5

The eerie setting and storyline of “Love Me – If You Dare” hint at a blend of romance set against a backdrop of horror. The film is releasing on May 25th in India,and on May 24th in USA.


In the rural village of Ramachandrapuram, villagers hear screams at night from an abandoned bungalow. A woman in the Bungalow dies, leaving her daughter as the lead character.

Arjun, Pratap, and Priya are YouTube content creators. Arjun seeks to uncover the whereabouts of Divyavathi. The rest of the story follows what Arjun discovers in the process.


The presence of renowned figures in the film’s production has sparked significant interest among the audience. Initially set in a rural backdrop, the movie transitions into an urban, contemporary narrative. However, the execution of the rural segments falls flat, with certain scenes, like the woman screaming nightly and self-immolating, coming across as immature.

Simultaneously, the director introduces the protagonist and their friends as part of a YouTube channel, exploring dark themes. While the concept of the protagonist falling in love with a ghost seems unconventional, its success hinges on solid reasoning or presentation. Unfortunately, the film’s peculiar ideas are undermined by confusing and unengaging storytelling.

Despite the involvement of notable talents such as Baby heroine Vaishnavi Chaitanya, M.M. Keeravani as the music director, and the skilled cinematographer PC Sriram, the film lacks compelling songs and fails to capitalize on its technical prowess. Ultimately, Director Arun’s storytelling abilities seem lacking, contributing to the film’s shortcomings despite its promising elements and talented crew.


The main characters in this film are played by small time actors. Ashrith, Ravikrishna and Vaishnavi are adequate.


  • None


  • Weak storyline
  • Confusing direction
  • Lack of suspense


Dil Raju Production’s “Love Me” is easily the worst movie in the recent years. It fails to meet even minimal standards. The main issue is the confusing direction – we bet that if the director watched the film as an audience member, he too would be confused by what he directed.


Telugu360 Rating: 1.5/5

Release Date: May 24th 2024 USA
Director:Arun Bhimavarapu
Cinematography: PC Sriram
Music: M.M.Keeravani
Producer: Harshith Reddy,Hanshitha Reddy,Naga Mallidi
Production:Dil Raju Productions

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